+233 (0)206 007 255


Rescue Ghana Mission (RGM) is a Benevolent Ministry under the oversight of the Elders of Osu Church of Christ in Accra. Since its establishment in 2016, RGM has provided monthly financial support to over 60 rural preachers nationwide. Some have exited the program at different stages for various reasons. 

Currently, 35 preachers are on the program receiving monthly financial support. Besides, the beneficiary preachers are brought down to Accra every year to undergo refresher training program through a partnership program with the Heritage Christian College (HCC).

This year, RGM intends to enroll additional preachers who genuinely need financial assistance.

Funding for the Rescue Ghana Mission program comes from only benevolent-spirited Church of Christ brethren and a handful of congregations in Ghana who contribute their widow's mite periodically to support the program.

OUR APPEAL: We humbly request you to send your donation to Rescue Ghana Mission on merchant number 0240129254 or MoMoPay code 333247  to support this laudable initiative.


1. Applicant must be an active Church of Christ preacher (either trained or untrained preacher) working in a deprived rural congregation.

2. Applicant must be receiving below Ghc 300.00 (Approx. $40.00) as monthly support from his local congregation including any other support from sister congregation(s) or individual(s).

3. Applicant must be preaching, teaching, and practicing the true doctrines of the New Testament Church.

Note: If you qualify for RGM support, you may complete your application online and submit.

Note: All applications will be reviewed and approved by the Evaluation and Assessment Committee in consultation with the Oversight Elders based on merits, first-come-first-serve and availability of funds.

For any assistance call Bro. Lord Asante Fordjour on +233206007255 or Bro. George Essel on +233244304122.

Click on the APPLICATION GUIDE below to follow a step-by-step process to successfully complete and submit your application.

Application Deadline: 15th June 2022 

Note: Applicant MUST be informed that any false information provided will lead to disqualification.

Note: Application will be considered based on merits and on first-come-first-serve bases.


Note : The application process is in 3 stages which you must read and STRICTLY follow all the steps to be able to submit your application successfully.





You must first create a user account.

Important Caution : Don't use iphone in filling the form.

Click on the CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT  button to create your user account.

Note : On the account registration form, you are required to provide email or phone number and create a password. It is advisable to write down the email address or phone number you provided and the password you created so you don't forget them or misspell them.  You will need your email/phone number and password to login into your account to complete your application.


After submitting your account registration form, the system should automatically log you into your account. If not click on the LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT to enter your email or phone number and password to login.


After logging into your account, click on the FILL APPLICATION FORM to complete the application questionnaire.

Below are the list of questions on application form.

Note: You MUST get ready with the answers for all the questions before you start to ensure quick and smooth application process.

1. Are you a trained preacher?

2. If yes which bible school/college did you attend and which year did you complete the course?

3. Which course did you study if applicable?

4. What is the name of the congregation you are currently leading as a preacher?

5. Which year was the church established?

6. Who or which congregation established it?

7. In which Region, District, and Community is the church located?

8. What is the average number of members in the church?

9. About how many adult males?

10. About how many adult females?

11. About how many are children?

12. What is your average weekly giving?

13. How much does the church give/pay you as monthly support?

14. Aside from the financial support you receive from the church, do you receive any additional financial support from any individual or congregation?

15. If you receive additional financial support from any brethren or church, provide their names and contacts and state how much you receive from them.

16. Have you ever received financial support from Rescue Ghana Mission?

17. Do you do any other work/job to earn a living aside from the preaching work?

18. If yes what exactly do you do for a living?

19. Provide the names and contact numbers of at least 3 leaders in your congregation.

20. Attach pictures ( indoor and outdoor) of your church including a group picture of the members if any.

21. Has the leadership of your church officially engaged you as their permanent preacher?

22. Do you manage other congregations in the area aside from your main church?

23. Provide the names of the other congregations you manage aside from the main church you work for as a preacher if any.

24. Provide names of three urban churches in your district and add the name and contact of the preachers as your referee.
25. Are you married?

26.If YES, provide her name, contact number and the work she does for a living

27.How many children do you have, if any?

28.Provide their names , ages and educational levels, if applicable.

29. Upload a clear portrait picture of yourself.

30. Can you confirm that all the information provided about yourself is true and correct?

Caution: When you are done with filling the application form, you MUST click on the submit button once ( don't double click it)

Note : If after submitting your application, you get an ERROR that says "a previous entry is preventing submission......"  it means that your application has already submitted. The feedback message is only preventing double submission.

Congratulations, you are done with your application!

Note:  Having successfully submitted your application, you can update or edit your application details later and resubmit it before the deadline. To update your application, login and go to the menu, then click on Questionnaires and click on Open to open the form for you to edit the answers you provided on the form.

Important Note:  You must allow for about 30 days to follow up on your application after the deadline.

Successful applicants will be contacted.

Many Thanks