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Beneficiary Rural Church


I salute everyone who is reading this history in the Lord’s name.

The Church of Christ came to Buluk (Sandema) in 1975, but the day and month has not been documented.

The Missionaries who brought the word were Mark V (white man) from Nsawam road Church of Christ, Christian Nsua from Tema Community Five (5) Church of Christ, Preacher Isaac from Somanya Church of Christ, Sampson Lad from Yendi.

They came and met one man called Anson Anoaimoin Apusik who led them to do the evangelism and eventually setup a church at Sandema, the District capital, and we began worshipping in a classroom at Ayieta Primary School.

WORSHIP: The church of Christ in Buluk based on the Bible reveals only five items of worship and they are singing (Eph 5: 19), praying: The only men permit to lead (1 Timothy 2: 8), teaching or preaching, Lord’s supper (Matt 26 : 26 Luke 22: 13 – 21) giving was done only on the first day of every week (1st Cor 16: 1 – 2).

MISSION: Preaching the Gospel (Mark 16: 15), helping those in need (Acts 4: 34 – 35), edifying its members (Eph 4: 11 – 16).

DOCTRINE: Church is based on the Bible only (Rev. 22: 18 – 19, Gal 1: 6 – 11) but in some few years, when the missionaries mentioned above left, leaving the Church in the hands of Apusik, the church at Sandema, the District capital, collapsed. Fortunately, when the missionaries heard about the collapsing of the church at Sandema, they met Preacher Thaddeus Ayuekoruk at Kumasi who was fellowshipping with Bomsu Church of Christ and was attending Ghana Bible College. In 1985, when Preacher Thaddeus had finished Bible College, the Missionaries took him to Sandema because he was a native of Buluk and started fresh evangelism at Sandema town in the name of reviving the church.

As they were preaching the Gospel around, a brother called John Akanko heard the gospel, although he was not a member of the church, he then came and told Good News Church at Wiak –Farinsa about the good message from the Missionaries

There were two active men (leaders) at the Good News Church namely Solomon Akanfewon and George Akanko Anamsi, they also listened to the good preaching at Sandema. Prior to this, they got converted and brought the Missionaries to Wiaga and the whole Good News church members were converted and later on the Good News church was converted to Church of Christ.

Then after two to three years later on, the Missionaries requested for the basic needs of the people in the community (Farinsa). Their response was for education so in an attempt to meet the demands of the people, it rather resulted into misunderstanding between the two brothers.

This was because, Mr. George Akanko who was little educated was seeking the school being named after his father but Mr. Solomon Akanfewon, even though he was not educated but was aiming for the interest of the community but the majority of the people in the community suggested that the school be named after the community.

This and many others brought about a division and Mr. Solomon Akanfewon broke away with seven (7) members that is two (2) men and five (5) women to setup another church of christ.

Meanwhile, Mr. George Akanko and the remaining members, later converted to Salvation Army Church. At that time, Preacher Thaddeus was seriously sick mentally but recovered later and joined Mr. Solomon Akanfewon and they are still alive today.

Today, the Church of Christ at Farinsa, a section in Wiaga, can boast of seventy (70) members made up of fifteen (15) men, twenty (20) women and thirty-five (35) children, although some are off and on and few are also in the South fellowshipping with Church of Christ branches.

On the side of giving, it varies sometimes, GHc30, sometimes GHc25, based on the season, beside that, Church of Christ at Farinsa has been able to open three branches; and they are Wiaga Central Church, Sandema and Siniensi Church of Christ.

In conclusion, this is the little knowledge I have about the Church of Christ in Builsa North and Sandema being the District capital.

I wish to say that, I stand to be corrected, as History is needed to be told and if you might have also managed to have your own information as far as Church of Christ history is concerned in Buluk, now called Builsas, you can also share with all of us.

The following people searched for the information above:

– Preacher Amoak Elijah —— 0541336606 – Bro. Solomon Akanfewon —— 0243294138 – Mr. William Anamboro —– 0247483698 – Preacher Thaddeus