+233 (0)206 007 255

Beneficiary Rural Church


Bimbilla Kpating Church of Christ is located in the Nanomba District of the Northern Region of Ghana.

The Kpatinh church of Christ was established by Mr. Amidu and some missionaries on the 24th may, 1998 The church started with a membership of thirty (32) people.

Whilst, Bimbilla church of Christ was also established on 16 June 2013 with 23 members – 19 men and 4 women with our senior preacher brother Ayini and The Tamale Institute Of Biblical Studies (TIBS)

Currently, the church has an average membership of around sixty-three (63) of which thirty-seven (37) are men, twelve (12) are women, fourteen (14) are children.

The church does not have a permanent place of worship. We worship in the classroom.

The weekly giving of the church on Sundays is around GHC20.00

My name is Kumeyei Kwame Lot, aged forty-five (45), and married with three (3) children. I am the preacher for Babile-Laura church of Christ since 1999.

The financial position of the church is very weak and therefore they are unable to support the preacher financially.  This is why I applied for support from RGM.

I have been on Rescue Ghana Mission (RGM) support for about four (4) years and I have been receiving monthly top-up allowance which supports me as I lead the church in such a poor and deprived community.

I appreciate the support I receive from the RGM monthly, without it things would have been very difficult for me and my family.

I will like to thank the managers of Rescue Ghana Mission for such this initiative and more especially to those who donate in cash and kind to support rural preachers like me.

God bless you.