Papagya church of Christ was established on 11th May 2003 with fifteen (15) members; six (6) men, five (5) children, and four (4) women.
The member, Mr. Francis Ampong, and his wife Florence Acquah were worshiping at Abuenu from the year 2000. They started their evangelism in the year 2003 with the support of the Central Church of Christ-Aboom in Cape Coast to establish Papagya Congregation.
In 2004, the number of members increased from fifteen (15) to twenty-six (26). From then, the number started decreasing due to the poor nature of the church building, most of the aged has passed away and the youth in the church has moved to the cities.
The congregation has now managed to build a hut and roofed with iron sheets to replace the coconut leaves (thatches).
Now the membership is ten (10) comprising of two (2) children, five (5) men, and three (3) women.
We appreciate the support our preacher receives from the Rescue Ghana Mission on a monthly basis. R.G.M support has helped both the church and the Preacher
We would like to thank the management of Rescue Ghana Mission for such an initiative and more especially to all who donate in cash and kind to support rural preachers.